
Rome, the capital of Italy, is a bustling city located in central-western Italy along the Tiber River. People travel from all over the world to Rome to eat endless dishes of pasta, scoop of spoonfuls of gelato and soak up some of the most impressive history in Italy.

Rome is one of Europe’s most populated cities. The streets are filled with people, lined with history and exploding with energy. With so much to do, it is no wonder the lines are long for bus tours of the city and many choose to book a package or tour of Rome. Some of the top attractions in Rome are The Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pantheon, and the Colosseum.

Rome is home to Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica, making it a top destination for Catholics and historians around the world. Aside from its religious affiliation, the buildings in Vatican City are intricate and overly impressive. From the top of the Vatican, onlookers can expect magnificent views of Rome.

The Pantheon, known for its age and exquisite ceilings, stands as one of the most impressive structures in Rome. The original building was commissioned to serve as a temple to the gods of Ancient Rome by Marcus Agrippa. Emperor Hadrian later rebuilt the circular building after the original was burned down. Large columns notably mark the Pantheon entrance and once inside visitors look to the sky to take in the dome above, which has a circular opening in the very center. The impressive architecture and cultural and religious history make the Pantheon one of the top attractions in Rome.

Another top attraction in Rome is the archaeological site, the Colosseum. This amphitheatre built during the Roman Empire is acknowledged as one of the best examples of Roman architecture. Even from a distance onlookers will take notice to the large Colosseum and the partially missing exterior. Travelers who want to tour the interior of the Colosseum will need to pay an entrance fee. Inside the aging walls of the Colosseum, you will enter the arena and see firsthand where gladiators once fought, Romans sat watching, and wild animals entered through passageways.

The Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pantheon, and the Colosseum are just a few of the many attractions in Rome. Additionally, Rome boasts magnificent fountains, such as the famous Trevi Fountain, monumental statues and beautifully designed bridges. Other attractions not to be forgotten include the mouthwatering food, wine and gelato that can be enjoyed in Rome.

While traveling in Rome enjoy typical Roman cuisine, such as Spaghetti alla Carbonara and other flavorful pasta dishes. Many delicious dishes use local vegetables and artichokes as staple ingredients. Pecorino cheese is a popular, sharp, sheep-milk cheese, also found as an ingredient in many Roman dishes. Also popular in Rome are fried appetizers, filled with zucchini, flori di zucca, or cod, filetti di baccala, and are crisp, flavorful starters. Let us not forget the pizzas, a must while in Rome, and laced with popular local seasonings, such as rosemary. 

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